Regulatory Support


Regulation controls and shapes behaviour.

It should be an enabler to an organisation, not a constraint. However, regulation is often seen as a burden to an organisation - an overhead that gets in the way of business and consumes valuable resources in completing compliance activities, often perceived as “box ticking”.

ALARP Solutions adopts an outcome-focused, goal-based approach to regulatory reform that can be applied internally to an organisation, or by external bodies who have regulatory accountabilities. The key to this approach is in first defining the outcomes of the business or undertaking in the context of industry or government requirements. When regulatory controls are developed that support, rather than inhibit those outcomes, then compliance becomes a desirable goal. In other words, organisations no longer comply just because they have to - they do so because it supports them in achieving their outcomes.

ALARP Solutions can help with:

  • Regulatory and Assurance Framework development

  • Integration of regulatory frameworks with risk management systems

  • Regulatory Reform - Policy Design, Development and Implementation, including authoring of regulations

To explore how we can support your business to achieve its objectives, contact us now.